So, we have emphasized the main structure of solar energy in a general way. Why have we previously discussed hydrogen and helium? Because these chemical substances are given with the flow the Healer directs in your energy circulation centres in the proportion exactly required...




    So, we have emphasized the main structure of solar energy in a general way. Why have we previously discussed hydrogen and helium? Because these chemical substances are given with the flow the Healer directs in your energy circulation centres in the proportion exactly required. Here we say that there is one more curing flow that comes from the very Earth core, but its basis and the way shall not be revealed. We will unfold the following however: this flow is tightly connected with the Earth radiation, which means in other words that the Earth magnetic zones invaluably contribute to the curing energy flows' appearance and concentration. Now let's proceed to chakras' work. Let's start with the cinciput (perietal) centre also called as Sakhasrara. The centre perceives solar energy (the curing type), the flow goes to Sakhasrara directly, and here a person would feel a wave of cold. The flow screws-in and spires down running through the spiritual body of a person and then passes some of the flow to Adghna centre another called the frontal centre. Usually Adghna is medium developed and works so-so, it is likewise covered with the pellicle and that is why the curing Sun energy circulation within the body is almost insensible. The frontal centre when the flow received starts forming the bluish crater around itself which goes very quickly. The crater forces Sakhasrara's work and thus makes here the so called "lesser energy circulation".
    At the same time the Sun energy flow being at the Adghna level already keeps going and cork-screws to the throat centre also named as Vishudgha. This centre provides for the work go strenuously. The energy circulation in this very centre is in charge for and keeps under its own control the work over all fevered body places and the places first infected with the leucocyte virus. It does so because Vishudgha's located near the lymphatic system centres, the tonsils, and also near thyroid gland. Vishudgha in particular generates the main energy cells' set that is called to recognize viruses and consists of tweedledum cells that are unseen warriors. Further Vishudgha sends the solar energy flow through the spinal energy column to the Heart centre - Ahakhata. It circulates actively here as well, cause thymus and separate parts of red bone marrow lay near here. Ahakhata provides for salutary energy circulation that is able to dilute viruses and detach sick cells from healthy ones. It also should be mentioned that close by Ahakhata lays the heart being simultaneously the centre of cardiovascular system and the stem cells generation centre. That is hugely important for your recovery process.
    Now then let's pay attention to the lower centres (chakras). These chakras support the energy flows coming from the Earth core. The main Earth nourished chakra - Mouladkhara is given the strongest flow which is brought through the legs (legs' channels) to the coccyx. Resembling the work of the highest chakra (Sakhasrara), Mouladkhara starts the energy circulation process as following. It bears the bound (symbol) that does not allow the flow come back to the core and it as if shuts the door down to Earth for it, thus the curing Earth core energy flows screw-in upper and upper to the Svadghisthana chakra. Within the latter the Earth flow puts all in order since most majority of people have the genital centre chronically unbalanced. Within this very chakra the curing flows are adapted to the man's vibration level after which the flow ready goes directly through the spinal energy column to the Solar plexus centre. It is all for today. Tomorrow it will be continued then.

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