Let's proceed to work then. Today we will start speaking about gastro-intestinal cancer and will answer the question where it comes from. The processes of the cell deformation and the following DNA structure alteration both developing within the organism under infection are typical of any cancer illness...



    Let's proceed to work then. Today we will start speaking about gastro-intestinal cancer and will answer the question where it comes from. The processes of the cell deformation and the following DNA structure alteration both developing within the organism under infection are typical of any cancer illness. The period of the cells' division when their chromosomes are at the highest risk is the very time for the cancer mutants to mould. Dissemination of tumour is a complete process of the mutants joining up, ones strong and accustomed to the organism already. Just as the coral atoll the tumours stick to the organs at target, grow inside and deprive them of the nutrition required. In the period of deformation the cell becomes immortal. What do we mean saying "immortal"? Every cell has got the certain life period. On having the task fulfilled it must leave the body for the new ones to come. That is the basis of normal life and of the body's growth. When virus-attacked the cell keeps to her normal activity - it works and grows. Cancer virus alternates its program, its plan of living and thus the cell gets immortal. It means it does not die when planned, but does not have any mission anymore. It stays within the body but does not live through nourishing the organism and thus nourishing itself. It exists but at the same time appears to be nothing.
    Little by little, on the basis of rubbish, immortal and useless cells' bulk a man gets the first metastasis. What prevents the strained cell then from leaving the body? It is its sham immortality: the cell has not fulfilled its task yet, it had just been reprogrammed and keeps to the well-known scheme but simultaneously follows the wrong program - being deprived of an aim and of sense of living. It lives through habit, senselessly, which may be compared to the case when one switched on the technical device and left, but the device keeps working for nothing till its wires burn out or it breaks. That is what the immortal cell goes through: deprived of any sense to live for and of any perception of its mission, it generates the semblance of energy, the latter to feed on the cancer virus. But when it has got exhausted and the virus has worn it out, the cell becomes rubbish, which is anyway the basis for metastases and tumours. Some of them may be approached while surgery, but mostly they interrelate with the alive cells of organs' tissues so closely that surgeons have to cut out the growth and the organ together. That happens quite often in cases of cancer within gastro-intestinal tract. Tumorous sediments stick to stomach and intestines because these are the best environment for microorganisms and bacteria to grow. Those bacteria that normally provide for the work of gastro-intestinal tract cannot curb the flow of bacteria, reproducing as quick as a thought does. Proteins that the gastro-intestinal enzymes work out spread hugely being surrounded by monstrous amount of similar structures. Its quantity passes all normal limits, which prevents its timely fission into amino acids. As a result we get the first dead proteins' sediments.
    Further. As a rule the intestines cancer is generated by human fears causing excessive insulin excretion into blood. When you eat meat preferably, especially pork, the small germs of harmful bacteria start moulding within the intestines environment and stick themselves to the stomach walls. These sediments layering on the walls attracts various infections, including cancer virus. You would meet fears and panic, and intemperance for food (quantity and quality of it stand out of your attention), malice, avidity and pride among factors that may cause the stomach cancer spread. Among these factors are also boasting about material welfare, reluctance to spiritual development, giving deliberate priority to corporeal things. That kind of cancer grows slowly and continuously. Proteins' sediments first stick to the walls of the tract, but then they root in the organs and the body systems. The burning energy flows separate sick cells from healthy ones just like the laser device, and cover uninjured tissues with the protective layer. It is as well a very long and laborious process, but it allows to restore the organ, any organ of your body, instead of mechanical cutting, which has anyway proved to be useless. All you need is just belief and aspiration for recovery, the rest is the Teacher's doing and the doing of the Universe energy flows. Here we shall stop now.

The 17th of February 2007

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