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    My dear child, long-long ago, when grass had not met a man's hand yet, two birds of two wings fell in love with each other. This part of the world's history is not for men's common knowledge thus let us leave it so. By tender voice once heard he knew his Sweet, and whirled up to her crossing highest rocks and primeval forests. It flew so with no tiredness till he met on his way a marvellous lake and fell down that beautiful swan to enjoy it's silvery waters. Suddenly it felt so tired that fell asleep promptly.
    Once he closed his eaves, lots of birds of the Cloud Lake flew suddenly to fight for him. Big and terrible one won the battle with its enormous wings and beak, but at that very moment at the other end of Earth again the Beautiful Bird began singing and wakened The Swan from its clouded sleep. Once the voice rang did he flap his wings and hide in the skies. So She saved her Love for the first time.
    For a long time knowing no peace he had to keep his way to Her. Suddenly the flaw rose and tore Him to shreds. Exhausted he fell into the canyon and so he laid for thousand years, beside of himself and his greatest Love. But never she stopped calling for him in her tender songs and begging the Powers of Earth and Heavens for help. Once Heavens heard her and awakened a volcano that slumbered not far from those places. The volcano picked the torn Swan up from the canyon, patched it with its flame and encouraged then. The Swan turned round so beautiful and invincible as never before and flew again towards his Birdie. Thousands of lakes, seas and oceans it had crossed through till at last saw a small hovel nearly the forest. It went down to the ground already on men's feet. Knocked the door but nobody would open it. But he would not leave, ready to wait as much as it could take. He waited so till it already darkened and then a small and plain birdie went down. With a worry she said: "Can you recognize your beloved one, The Beautiful Swan? All I had I gave you to reach me once, all the beauty of my feathering, all that I was rich with, that even my voice sounds lower now... Will you recognize and love me then?"
    Nothing said the Beautiful Swan, but He clasped tightly his only One to his bosom, since She was the most beautiful and magnificent Bird ever on Earth. He saw the true beauty and greatness of Her Spirit and said: "My dear Love, never I could see anyone so beautiful and sage, but in fear I am asking you, will you meet me here as yours and will you let me stay in your heart forever?"
    Not a word the Birdie said, only a tear-drop shed on her plain feathers. In such a way two stars destined for each other got married and the Birdie became happy and beautiful. That is how the first happy couple appeared in the world.
    My dear child, this wonderful cipher story is to show you that True Love comes from your Soul only and is always a sacrifice being not such. True Love is the gift for you from the God and uniting loving hearts is always done with the help of the God and the powers of Earth. Remember: True Love is a miracle.

    With love accept it from the Teachers of yours.

Translation from russian by Gulnara.

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