...Breast cancer comes through lowering the required and stable level of endocrine glands functioning, and especially it concerns such their elements that locate in the upper part of the physical body. In the case the thyroid gland works 40% of its normal, the humoral immunity decreases, endocrine system organs work unstable...



    Breast cancer comes through lowering the required and stable level of endocrine glands functioning, and especially it concerns such their elements that locate in the upper part of the physical body. In the case the thyroid gland works 40% of its normal, the humoral immunity decreases, endocrine system organs work unstable. The first defective tissues formation starts when a woman being a nursing mother balances the milk liquid discharge uncarefully. As a result of chaotic sexual life mammas work unstable and various hormones that fall inside the woman's body highly contribute to the first microorganisms sediments, which much later grow from cysts into tumorous centres. The main cause for breast cancer to appear is a chronical disbalance within two chakras: Svadhistana - the one responsible for sexual purity, and Vishudha - the one in charge of the whole endocrine system work.
    Humoral functioning of a woman's organism depends on sexual purity or on the contrary - on sexual lechery, much higher then in the case with men, since a woman is responsible for the new life coming in her body. The most appropriate preventive measure for that cancer virus is continence instead of chaotic and reckless sexual behaviour. In other words women should bound their sexual life but not turn it into Sodom & Gomorrah. While nursing you should not be lazy and carefully strain off milk remains in order to minimize the salt and other microorganisms' sediments. The nourishment while nursing should be at most pure. You should exclude shop juices, canned olives, smoked food, cakes, meat. Your food should contain fish, much green, various sorts of nuts, cedar oil, sour-milk natural products, cereal and legumes. Right nourishment of a woman while nursing is the fundamental of the child's health, and of the mother's. Hormonal agents' denial is the step towards recovery as well. If you take such now, try to reduce the norm gradually up to total denial or to alternation of the day you take minimum with the day you do not, which should be anyway followed by entire denial of the hormonal supressors for your glands. Prostate cancer has practically got the same causes as the breast cancer. The same disbalance in Svadhistana which is reliable for sexual activity, and in chakra which is in charge with the work of endocrine glands. This cancer virus predominates among men nowadays because of raging bloody-red energy flows of lechery which have reached already the climax point. The second cause is the great fear all men on Earth live with: the fear to loose their "man's power". The mechanism works as following: men hear from everywhere they are loved and honoured by women because of their sexual strength. In many respects women themselves build and keep the illusion alive. Thus the true love has been replaced automatically with the sex field. Meaning that you are worth loving only when sexually strong, and since men need love much more than women, they seek in any way to meet this criterion.
    Certainly it is not the clinical cases we are talking about, when all thinking activities of a man are concentrated on sex and are based within Svadhistana only. Further. You get an intense suppressing advertisement from everywhere, the ad of medication "for men", that vouches for granting men with sexual happiness and strength. In chase of sexual chimeras an average man looses peace and harmony, and now he seeks for frequent tests of his sexual strength, fearing to lose it once. And fearing like that he attracts all his fears into his life. The most appropriate preventive measures for that cancer virus are:

  1. keeping innerbalance and self-esteem;
  2. keeping far from outer irritants, e.g. television, ads, women's gossips and rumours;
  3. the sexual activity normalization;
  4. rational nutrition, meat denial (since it is the parent of aggression);
  5. Respectful attitude towards your spouse and yourself, which excludes sex-sided disorder.

    Dear child, please do not hesitate to write it down. These are the essential problems of the mankind. They need to be under discussion and serve as the warning, because doubtful and quick passing brutal pleasures turn out into serious and painful diseases. The sexual field when disbalanced causes cervical carcinoma, testicles cancer, cancroid, in certain cases - leucaemia (partially, because leucaemia is caused by many other influencing factors besides the one forenamed). Here you should remember that surgical operation is not the only remedy for growth. Going through it you just excise the painful place, but not the disease, you just put the consequence, the effect off, but the cause is still here. Going through surgery you condemn yourself to permanent fear of getting your illness back which is understandable. Thus you should seriously ponder over the true cause of it. On having analyzed and recognized the cause you then start cleaning your mental sphere and your thoughts in various ways and then forgive yourself for them all instead of hurrying to a hospital to meet scalpels. However, you and only you decide. Think and ponder, and learn to think wide in advance. Enough for today.

    The 16th of February 2007

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