...The issue to be discussed today is the difference and contradictions between two types of blood illness which are acute and chronic leucaemia. What is acute leucaemia?


Let us continue the lecture now. The issue to be discussed today is the difference and contradictions between two types of blood illness which are acute and chronic leucaemia. What is acute leucaemia? It is a fulminent and rapid spread of infected epithelial tissues within the human body, so rapid that practically any medical intervention in case of acute leucosis appears to be absolutely useless. What causes such violent virus spread? Why in cases of acute leucaemia mortality is that high? Let's highlight the problem in short: acute laucaemia rises as a rule in an atmost exhausted body where the blood content falls to 15-20% of normal. The immune system represented in glands, thymus, spleen, in a red bone marrow works at 30% of its normal, which is not enough for full and protective body functioning. In cases of acute immunodeficiency the chance to catch cancer virus raises to maximum rate. When does the immune system get exhausted then?
In cases of:
1. use of any type of hormonal preparation;
2. regular use of bioactive helping, such as tincture, natural medicine as though they contribute to the immune system strengthening;
3. use of modified sour milk food - yoghurt, cottage cheese, various desserts etc;
4. frequent alcohol drinking. The quality of nowadays alcohol drinks is twice lower than allowable, and the quantity of poisoning substances is thrice higher.
5. Fast food is the right way to the cancerous growth in the area of gastrointestinal tract.
6. Casual sexual relationships lead to total weakening of the immune system much quicker than all mentioned above. Disbalance in the genital region initiates 80% of cancer viruses, which may be breast cancer, prostate cancer, leucaemia, bone cancer, cancer of lung etc.
7. Smoking brings the immune function of thymus down and blocks its following development. Thymus gets covered with dense pellicle of tobacco sediments and functions as local anaesthetic, letting out no clear impulses and generationg no lymphocyte cells.
These and many other factors force the process of the immune system weakening. The body in consequence of these factors becomes vulnerable to any virus, and it is enough the stress situation or a series of imperil flows out of the ethereal double to call a virus from the dirty energy space around a man. At that you should notice that a virus can be called today, but develop into a growth in 25 or even more years. In other words weak immune system and wrong way of thinking two can cause acute clinical course of cancer. In case of blood cancer the negative stimuli of getting infected are imperil flows, such as obtained through pride and hostility coupled, hostility + lust, lust for power + agression, fear + despair, despair + irritation, agression + avidity.
These are main stimuli that may cause acute leucosis and partially chronic leucaemia. Now let's consider what the difference between acute and chronical leucaemia is. When leucaemia is chronic, cancer cells spread within the body much slower. In such case the immune system functions at 50% of its normal, and the hematopoietic system periodically and hardly produces some "exhausted", but nevertheless alive leucocyte cells. Quite another matter we get in case with chronic course where the risk is not lower, but more shifty. Here the virus gradually reprograms peripheral circulatory system, which means the following: in case with acute leucosis you may see the danger and see its agression against you and the speed it spreads with, but still you may see it moves, however in case with chronic leucaemia development the virus works in a secret and such shifty way so it may not be openly attacked and gets able sometimes to hide back and retreat, but for a known while, and simultaneously silently and inflexibly to reform the inside structure tasks of each elemental of the blood, for not only leucocytes, but erythrocytes and plateletes also. The chronic leucosis aims at changing the structure of the peripheral blood of the body. The disease goes long, in a stink and wayward way. Speaking figuratively, if acute leucosis goes unsufficient, then chronic course is directed with the disease's "brains", and quite well it works in order to destroy the main blood structure. Even though the latter is preferred to due to its duration and thus the man's life prolonged, it appears much harder to cure it compared with the acute cancer course. In case with acute course once you succeed to bound the virus, you already get a chance to cure and it is 60% guarantee already that your life is safe. Meanwhile in the case with the first, you face a serious problem: you cannot find the flaming heart of the disease, the mutagen, the first infected cell. The virus keeps moving and mutating and finally gets able to adapt and hide when necessary, so that radio- and chemotherapy pursue and seek to catch virus, but get nothing instead.
The main inward causal factors of getting infected with chronical leucaemia are: hostility and fear, dobled fear and panic, lack of love towards yourself and unbelief into own Self, irritation and resentment for life, pejorative pride (expressed in self-humiliation and self-detraction). Let's stop here with enumeration since these are main emanations, the spread and cultivation of which calls for chronical leucosis inside the human sphere. Let's explain the origin and causes for such disease here. Similar things come together: dark comes to dark and bright comes to bright, the same with emanations: low vibrating despair attracts despair also and pain emanations of other people, hostile flows, and mental memory of resentment and humiliation. Step by step the nucleus magnet - the despair field gets reeled with the threads of pain and similar flows that came out of all the surrounding energy space. Thus the dark imperil clew is being built, one that the man feeds from time to time with his own despair. Once the next stress situation has come, the energy cover which had already become exhausted, breaks right at the point where the clew lies. Then the imperil emanations get absorbed into the ethereal tweedledum body of the man and forced with the power of his thought, fill up all its free cells. While the cells were determined to be filled with joy, gratitude, creativity and happiness, and stood for some time empty, since the man got accustomed to regrets and depression, now then they have got packed with fear, despair, irritation and hatred, and gradually you obtain the first strained cell. From that point the chronical leucosis starts spreading itself imperceptibly, silently, giving the chance with its own coming to get quite enough of low spirits, irritation and panics. It means that finally the man gets what he previously wanted and wished for. If he felt despair and dislike for himself, he would have got the virus of chronical leucaemia to provide for the chance to fall into depression and suffer and suffer.
Dear listeners, however bitter the truth we have announced here is, please admit it. All said here unfolds the true human diseases' causes. If only you cross the threshold of resentment against all that has been said here, you will see the core meant. Then, after you realize and perceive it all in your conscience, you will make a great step out of the fog of illusions and will see the situation you stand in, on the other hand, and then... well, then you will see.


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