...These features are enough to see what the Healer should be and how he should behave and then to compare him with the extrasensory. The Healer has got the knowledge (both spiritual and about materia) through hard tests whilst the extrasensory shows superficial knowledge, pseudo-knowledge or in other words - his abilities in black art, which is no good at all...




    Let's continue our work then. So two curing flows unite in the very centre of solar plexus, one, the Solar energy flow going downward, and another, the Earth core flow, going upwards. In the centre of the man's sphere (surround) these two energy flows, two power waves interlace. The Healer's task is to manage accepting these different types of energy and adapting them to the level required by the patient's energy circulation system and after that - to deliver them pure and unturbid. Having read these lines you may imagine already even if partially, what actually appears to be the work and toil of the Healer, and how much effort the Healer puts in the reviving process, which usually cannot be seen and thus is highly ungrateful in most cases. You may wonder how the Healer shall be distinguished from the esxtrasensory charlatan? Here you get some distinguishing features.

  1. The Healer is not a a magician and he never uses amulets, talismans, aroma, bioactive helping and so on. You would not see a witchcraft candle, a picture or a pentagram there. He dresses simply and never shows off.
  2. The Healer never predicts anything and never tells fortunes as well as never intrudes the astral world, the death plan or into the man's sphere.
  3. The Healer does not seek to see ghosts and does not communicate with those who died.
  4. The Healer never promotes himself and you would never find his ad in papers: people would find, but not vice versa. He shall be recognized by his deeds but not by his word, through his disciples and those who revived once.
  5. The Healer does always follow the Teacher's advice and acts in full consistence with the Teacher's recommendations, which are:
  • to keep his own sphere pure: to think fast and positively, to lower the pride influence (on the work of the Triad) level at most, as much as the physical body may only allow to do;
  • to keep the body pure: never to expose it to unbalance and stresses, to well nourish it;
  • to hourly improve the work of his Triad and pay special attention to the work of Conscience - the mental body and home for all his thoughts and images.

    These features are enough to see what the Healer should be and how he should behave and then to compare him with the extrasensory. The Healer has got the knowledge (both spiritual and about materia) through hard tests whilst the extrasensory shows superficial knowledge, pseudo-knowledge or in other words - his abilities in black art, which is no good at all.
    So, the Healer adapted two strongest energy flows and directed them both into the person's sphere. The first goes from the top and the second - right from the bottom. That is what happens when the Healer and the patient meet. Further, the one that has been admitted as the patient by Heavens, receives the energy flows at and during time determined, on his own. One may say these flows keep to the beaten track within the patient's sphere. However nothing special goes on with that man at the moment, he just feels the chill that runs over the upper region of his body (which shows the work of solar energy) and hot in his feet (which is the Earth core flow). Cancer ill people visit the Healer as many times during first months of "the course", as the Teacher through the Healer recommends. Some months later these visits lessen to just one visit per month, because the flows come and work within the patient's body without assistance, and all necessary is the Healer to check if there any errors or everything goes correctly. The energy circulation errors commit on the ground of emotional stresses, aggression attacks, failure to follow the Healer's recommendations or where the belief is shaky. Every time the Healer adjusts the circulation in the centres of the patient, the latter not to prevent (with his despair and impatience) the highest forces to work within his body.
    Now let's return to the question about solar plexus where these two flows merge. The centre coordinates the work of all other centres charged with the highest power. The flow required goes to the body part that requires (temporarily) or that had previously suffered energy drain, so it goes right from Manipura, which is conducted by Khaala (Khaara), the secret chakra. So let's repeat once again. The two centres - Sakhasrara (top centre) and Mouladkhara (bottom centre) are the doors for necessary curing energy flows. The first curing flow entered, then the doors shut, not a single drop of precious flow to be lost till the next recception hour. The other chakras both the upper and the lower ones serve as the conductors and adpators of the flow and at the same time carry the function of the flow distribution into all requiring parts of the ill body. The Solar plexus centre keeps greatest energy types in its very depths (interior) and sometimes directs them in required proportions where necessary. That's it actually. Certainly we have highlightened the main healing issues and have striven not to give the profound knowledge about the way it goes, since the extent of your Conscience maturity does not allow you to know the true. You accept this at least which we will already be pleased with. The decrease in sickness among people would follow the person's understanding that his Self is made not with his outer environment and society, but with his inner world, its mental and emotional parts, which is his feelings and thoughts above all. Next. Gradually the medicines refusal process goes, since all the medicines including the most natural are external and false and appear to be chemical intrusion into the body. Even if it helps partially and locally anesthetizes, the main disease cause does not fade which means the disease is in yet. If that suited you - it is up to you to follow this way, but you ought to know about the consequences of such short time medical relief. That's is all for today and tomorrow it will be continued.

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